Senin, 14 Juni 2010


One of the world's great event and enjoyed the crowd invaded the implementation of the World Cup, many positive impacts that can be of such a grand event, among others, is a promotional event products and services that take care of lives of many people, especially billion people watched the World Cup either directly and indirectly. This is a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs who are observant of any caliber utilizing this World Cup event for his business interests. World Cup is a long-awaited entertainment enthusiast many balls in all corners of the world, knows no rich countries and poor nations, all inhabitants of the world like it. supporter ball is a potential candidate for the empowered consumer in introducing certain products including service product. surely we must come to the venue for the World Cup, as a platform for exchange of goods and services which potentially create demand or sales. This is a unique marketing pattern, because only if the event World Cup terselenggaran arrived, as a tool to open markets in the long term international. Take the case of beverage products, craft products, clothing products, snack products, travel services, supplements products, shoes product,  bags and products are still many other products that have relevance to the world cup event. marketing event like this certainly will be repeated every four years. and certainly has the potential to open the world of niche markets, rather than the local market.

Not true that only large companies have products that can be 'live' in this arena, but many of the specific product at a small company can also produce 'victory' in World Cup events. we take an example, why traditional herbal products are not introduced to the audience at the World Cup event, remember not a few foreigners who likes and hobbies of traditional herbal drink made in Indonesia (Java). handicrafts from small businessmen in Indonesia, consider for a moment to transform ordinary products produced so far, a specific product associated with the World Cup, for example: key chains, hats, jackets, slippers, traditional fans, and many more. of course this will bring financial benefit that is not small. only a small businessman has not always take advantage of world cup event to event promotion of their products, including a variety of snack food products, which could create an international taste to strangers, such as: getuk, banana jam, dodol, where food can be packaged in an instant . not imagine how great results can be achieved if the promotion of this model can be established optimally. some of our state's local products of any kind opportunity to become an international product, it's just not be realized with both, by the government or employers concerned.

In a world cup event, people from all over the world trying by all means come to witness the event and spend a lot of money, regardless of them from any social class. even many of them four years earlier had saved diligently, in order to have enough money to come and watch their favorite teams directly compete.

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


Siapa sangka bahwa tanaman tembakau yang biasanya dijadikan bahan dasar rokok (sang penyebab kanker) , ternyata dapat pula menghasilkan protein anti-kanker. Anti-kanker dari tembakau ini diungkapkan oleh peneliti dari Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Dr. Arief Budi Witarto M.Eng. yang baru beberapa pekan lalu (Rabu, 13 Juni) terpilih sebagai penerima penghargaan Fraunhofer-DAAD-Award 2007 dari Jerman untuk riset tentang tembakau molecular farming.

Arief telah menekuni bidang pertanian molekuler alias molecular farming sejak 2003 bersama timnya di Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Proyek ini telah melahirkan perkebunan molekuler di Cibinong Science Center yang akhirnya mengantarkannya memperoleh penghargaan dengan nama Technopreneur Award 2007. Kini Arief berkesempatan melakukan penelitian bersama di salah satu Fraunhofer Institut di Jerman. DAAD akan memberikan beasiswa selama empat bulan kunjungan penelitian tersebut.

Dengan penelitian ini, dalam waktu tiga tahun, direncanakan sudah diperoleh hasil yang dapat dilanjutkan untuk produksi tingkat industri oleh PT Kimia Farma, Tbk. Melalui hasil penelitian ini diharapkan harga obat-obat biofarmasetik penting dapat lebih dijangkau oleh masyarakat luas.

Bagaimana Tembakau Menghasilkan Anti-Kanker

Pada dasarnya Arief mencoba untuk menghasilkan protein pencetus (Growth Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF)) dengan menggunakan tanaman tembakau (Nicotiana spp., L.). Tembakau yang diambilnya adalah tembakau lokal dari varietas yang paling sesuai, yaitu genjah kenongo, dari total 18 varietas lokal yang ditelitinya. Daun tembakau yang biasanya untuk produksi rokok, kini  dimanfaatkan sebagai reaktor penghasil protein GCSF, suatu hormon yang sangat penting dalam menstimulasi produksi darah.

Arief mengatakan bahwa protein dibuat oleh DNA dalam tubuh kita. Nah, jika DNA dalam tubuh kita ini dipindahkan ke tembakau melalui bakteri, begitu masuk, tumbuhan ini akan mampu membuat protein sesuai DNA yang telah dimasukkan tersebut. Kemudian, jika tumbuhan itu dipanen, maka kita dapatkan protein-nya. Nah, protein inilah yang bisa dipakai sebagai protein anti-kanker.Selain untuk protein anti-kanker, GSCF, ujarnya, bisa juga untuk menstimulasi perbanyakan sel tunas (stem cell) yang bisa dikembangkan untuk memulihkan jaringan fungsi tubuh yang sudah rusak.

Penghargaan di Bidang Protein

Arief memang pakar di bidang rekayasa protein salah satunya dibuktikan dengan banyaknya penghargaan yang telah terima. Di antaranya, Paramadina Award 2005 untuk bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi dari Universitas Paramadina dan PII Engineering Award 2005 untuk kategori Adhicipta Rekayasa atau Best Creation in Engineering dari PII (Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia).

Sebelumnya ia juga telah menerima penghargaan lain yaitu Science and Technology Award 2003 dari Indonesia Toray Science Foundation (ITSF) dan Peneliti Muda Terbaik Indonesia 2002 untuk bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknik dan Rekayasa dari LIPI. Dia juga pernah terpilih dengan nilai tertinggi mewakili Indonesia bersama empat peneliti muda Indonesia lainnya memenuhi undangan resmi dari Pemerintah Jerman dalam Pertemuan Para Penerima Hadiah Nobel di kota Lindau Jerman.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010


Win in the competition sometimes illustrate too difficult for many parties, though not always so, in many cases, the consumer society always want something that always seems new, and therefore such conditions can be answered in a simple manner that is different, why? consumer society do not necessarily want something of quality, but the desired is something that is always capable of satisfying their desires, so that in the minds of their lives did not seem boring, something different is considered something new and not the same as the others. manufacturers often had always been a visual way of presenting prduk or services to their customers, paying less attention to things that are unique, consequently resulting in the hearts of consumers feeling saturated, this is something that is harmful to corporate life, because without the customer then a company does not have any meaning in front of everything. create something different from day to day so you always feel satisfied customer of the money consumers spend on.

appear always different can be applied to the education industry, eg the graduates had received and acknowledged only able to work within the country but is now acceptable graduate work abroad, the housing sector, which continues to show residential areas can provide added value to the residents in the long term not only economic benefits alone. culinary field, eg display a new menu for lovers taste, so there is always a variation of the menu that they want to feel. once again .. consumers are willing to spend money for something that has a different meaning in their hearts. this should be taken seriously by the manufacturer. field of home appliances, display products that have benefited more (energy efficient, environmentally friendly and not harmful to health), lodging in services, providing a different atmosphere when the customer rents a room in their interests so that it appears the impression happy and satisfied during the night there. during the company is able to present something different on the product or service .. then consumers will give a different impression and appreciation also in their hearts. so from now on do not ever stop to look different.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010


Sebuah pesan untuk hidup bahagia yang sederhana namun penuh makna. Saya sepakat dengan kalimat tersebut. Sebuah ajakan bagi kita untuk mensyukuri segar-hijaunya rumput di halaman rumah sendiri. Kira-kira apa yang bisa kita lakukan atau hal-hal apa yang membuat kita hidup bahagia setiap hari? Daftar tips berikut ini semoga bisa menjadi pengingat kita bersama sebagai upaya agar selalu berbahagia setiap hari.

  1. Bangun pagi-pagi. Bangun lebih awal dan berjanjilah untuk merayakan hari ini dengan tidak menyia-nyiakannya sedetikpun. Lihat cahaya mentari yang menyingsing di ujung timur. Seperti itu juga semangat bersinar di hati anda.
  2. Nikmati makan. Jangan tergesa-gesa. Cobalah sekali ini gigit dan kunyah pelah-pelan makanan anda. Dari tiap kunyahan, rasakan nikmatnya. bagaimana?
  3. Wujudkan niat anda. Punya niat sekian lama yang tak kunjung terlaksana? wujudkan sekarang! Mungkin anda hendak mengunjungi sanak saudara yang sudah lama tidak bertemu atau mungkin sudah lama berniat ingin mengajak jalan-jalan keluarga, wujudkan sekarang.
  4. Belajar positive thinking. Kalau anda rasa terlalu banyak dibelenggu oleh pikiran negatif, mulai sekarang coba belajarlah berpositive thinking. Perasaaan kalau anda tidak bisa atau sering bersikap menyalahkan misal, gantilah dengan sisi positif. Perbanyak isi pikiran dengan solusi, agar nantinya mudah dalam mengatasi segala persoalan.
  5. Nostalgia. Ingat bagaimana rasanya waktu anda jatuh cinta pertama kali pada pasangan anda? Coba ingat dan rasakan kembali… anda pasti akan senyum-senyum sendiri.
  6. Bersikap tenang. Kalau tiap harinya biasanya anda diburu waktu, cobalah hari ini anda rileks. Hirup napas dalam-dalam. Lakukan apa yang anda suka dengan santai, tanpa ada lagi yang dirasa mengejar-ngejar anda.
  7. Tatap wajah anak-anak anda. Meski mungkin sekarang mereka sudah gede, coba sempatkan tatap wajah mereka dalam-dalam. Ingat bagaimana waktu mereka kecil, waktu mereka cium tangan pamit berangkat sekolah, saat mereka bisa berjalan pertama kali, dan momen-momen bahagia lainnya. Pasti anda akan teramat bersyukur dapat melihat pertumbuhan anak-anak anda dari kecil sampai besar seperti sekarang ini.
  8. Berbagilah. Temui orang-orang yang tak seberuntung anda. Cobalah bicara dengan mereka. Cari tahu bagaimana kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Serta berbagilah dengan mereka. Anda pasti akan sangat bersyukur dengan keadaan anda sekarang.
  9. Belajar hal baru. Punya waktu luang lumayan panjang? Cobalah cari kegiatan baru yang bisa menambah keahlian anda. Bukan buat gagah-gagahan atau apa, sebab anda memang dianugerahi kemampuan untuk terus meningkatkan diri.
  10. Cium tangan orangtua anda. Ingat betapa besar pengorbanan orangtua anda selama ini. Bersyukurlah memiliki orangtua yang mencurahkan segenap rasa cinta dan kasih sayangnya pada anda. Tidak ada yang memiliki cinta sebesar mereka pada anda.
  11. Temui orang yang lebih tua. Selain orangtua anda pastinya, temui juga orang-orang yang lebih tua dari anda seperti guru anda misal. Silaturahmi yang anda jalin pasti akan bermanfaat besar. Anda bisa belajar banyak dari mereka.
  12. Tertawalah. Ingat kapan terakhir kali anda tertawa? Mungkin gara-gara kesibukan anda yang luar biasa dahsyat, anda bahkan sampai tak sempat untuk tersenyum. Coba cari bacaan atau tontonan yang bisa melemaskan urat syaraf anda dan bisa membuat anda tertawa lepas.
  13. Lakukan yang anda suka. Apa hobi anda? Apa kesukaan anda? Ayo lakukan sekarang. Mungkin anda sudah lama tidak melakukannya?
  14. Istirahat cukup. Agar anda punya energi cukup untuk menjalani hari anda yang menyenangkan, istirahatlah yang cukup. Ketika waktu tidur tiba, istirahatkan tubuh anda.
  15. Sapa. Bersikaplah untuk selalu ramah. Sapa setiap orang yang anda jumpai.
  16. Kenalan. Perluas lingkungan sosialiasi anda. Perbanyak teman. semakin banyak teman, berarti semakin banyak info yang bakal anda terima!!
  17. Senyumlah. Jangan malu-malu untuk tersenyum. Senyum membawa energi positif.
  18. Beri maaf. Beri maaf orang yang berbuat salah pada anda. Jangan buat hidup anda terbebani oleh dendam.
  19. Habis gelap pasti terang. Dalam hidup pasti ada hal-hal yang tak anda inginkan menghampiri kehidupan anda. Mungkin baru saja anda kehilangan pekerjaan anda, atau bisnis anda sedang suram, atau mungkin anda kehilangan orang terkasih. Belajarlah untuk menerimanya. Ini bagian dari hidup. Ikhlaskan. Selepas itu, kembali tegaklah berdiri.
  20. Doa. Panjatkan doa sepenuh hati. Segala macam ujian yang anda hadapi, serahkanlah pada-Nya. Agar anda selalu mendapatkan kekuatan dariNYA.

Sama sekali tidak ada niat saya untuk menggurui anda semua. Tips di atas dimaksudkan sebagai pengingat kita bersama. Silakan anda kurangi atau tambahkan sesuai kecocokan hati anda. Tips lain boleh juga anda tambahkan dalam kotak komentar di bawah agar kita bisa belajar bersama untuk selalu hidup bahagia.< sources : >

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010


Artificial Intelligence is defined as the intelligence shown by an artificial entity. It is usually considered a computer. Intelligence was created and inserted into a machine (computer) in order to do a job like that can be human. Several kinds of fields that use artificial intelligence expert system, among others, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, neural networks and robotics.

Many things that seem difficult for human intelligence, but for Informatics relatively no problem. As an example: transforming the equation, solve the integral equation, make a game of chess or Backgammon. On the other hand, things seem to require little human intelligence, until now still difficult to realize in Informatics. As an example: Introduction to Object / Front, playing football.

While Artificial Intelligence has a strong science fiction connotation, Artificial Intelligence forms a very important branch of computer science, associated with behavior, learning and intelligent adaptation in a machine. Research in Artificial Intelligence involves making machines to automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior. Includes example is controlling, planning and scheduling, the ability to answer diagnostic and question customers, as well as handwriting recognition, voice and face. Things like that have become separate disciplines, that focus on providing solutions to real life problems. Artificial Intelligence System is now often used in economics, medicine, engineering and military, as had been built in several applications of computer software and home video games. 'Artificial intelligence' was not only want to understand what intelligence system, but also mengkonstruksinya. There is no satisfactory definition for 'intelligence' or the ability to acquire and use knowledge or intelligence that is what is measured by an 'Intelligence Test'

Statistica is the science that studies how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. In short, statistics is the science related to the data. The term 'statistica' different 'statistics'. Statistica is the science related to the data, while statistics are data, information, or the results of applying statistical algorithms on a data. From the collection of data, statistics can be used to infer or describe the data; is called descriptive statistics. Most of the basic concepts of statistical probability theory assumes.

Some statistical terms such as: population, sample, sample unit, and probability. Statistics is widely used in various disciplines, both natural sciences (eg astronomy and biology and social sciences [including the sociology and psychology], as well as in business, economics, and industrial). Statistics are also used in the government for various purposes; population census is one of the most well known procedure. Application of other statistical procedures that are now popular opinion polls or surveys (for example, conducted before the elections), and a quick poll (quick calculation results of the election) or a quick count. In the field of computing, statistics can also be applied in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010


Econometrics is a subject which a big role in solving the economic problems under conditions of uncertainty, in several universities in developed countries, this course is so popular, that many professors use the tool this course even though they are not from the faculty of economics, but in many developing countries, this course has not been utilized in optimel especially in scientific development, probably a lot of people argue that the study of statistics in econometrics is a difficult thing, in fact the wrong opinion. econometric when filled with art and an applied course in which modeling can be applied significantly in daily life both in the field of management, accounting and general economic or business, analysis in this course can be applied explicitly if there is empirical data available, because in essence the problem to be solved in econometrics often using statistical parametric good for data that are linear and non linear data, many benefits that can be gained in econometrics, such as the use of testing approaches: different test, variance analysis, ANOVA test, multivariate analysis, regression analysis or time series, with base primary data and secondary data. actually that was quite difficult in econometrics is the process of making and presenting data, the data presented are derived from a trusted source or not, this is a problem, because tools to measure the validity of the data continues to be relatively up to now. econometric able to reach and can be used to aid in finding solutions to economic problems with the application of economics is supported by a clear and accurate conception of mathematics, so that analytical results can be closer to the certainty, because the concept has been made in such a way as to accurately design and its basic variable in the identification of indicators that conditions approaching real fit the actual situation, econometric learning is something very exciting, given the present state of information technology has advanced so rapidly, so that many programs or software that can be used as a tool in the process of studying econometrics.

and no term bored or confused in today's learning courses that are more directed to the exact field, without a strong will, all things will be hard even though we learned it is actually very easy. especially with the arrival of the internet, is there any material, provided diligent browsing the important things that exist on the Internet will greatly assist the process of learning which is being undertaken, including econometric material such as pdf files, excel, word, and there is also a lot of video tutorials in it.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Sometimes starting a business is a confusing work, when, where, with whom to do, how, and what to do with and so forth. Really confused. Starting a business is a very complex job, but when the business is run is not as complex as when to begin. Why is that, due to start a business, there must be preparation internally [intent, curious, tenacious and not easily give up] and external [insight, knowledge, adaptability, friendship, communication skills] and the ability / readiness to serve. Many who start a business with good preparation but failed middle of the road, trivial reasons, just because of lack of friends, lack of knowledge, and less able to adapt to environmental changes. Maintaining a good friendship can sometimes be the key to the success of a business, although around a lot of competitors emerge. Why, because a business is a manifestation of an attitude of mutual trust in all aspects. Sometimes this condition is poorly understood for individuals who conduct business. Irrespective of product / service being offered anything in a business, entrepreneurs must be able to select communities that are in line with the business mission, so that both had an equal sense of responsibility when the business is run together. Precisely the marketing process, extracting business capital and how to develop an easy thing, not an obstacle that is too difficult to overcome. The success of a business, depending on the products / services, what will be offered to prospective customers, which products / services are really needed either every day or every hour. Then the other thing is the willingness to serve consumers complained all the time without feeling the slightest, because the more critical because a consumer should be better addressed by the business principals, not the consumer is in fact abandoned / neglected. Because a business which contains three main elements: courage, sincerity and truth. This is the key to the success of a service. Sometimes we want to succeed with a good but reluctant to do those three elements, of course this will make the business run by consumers eventually abandoned because of the element of trust vanished and can not be maintained. Models or methods used to run and grow a business is tree roots, this is a traditional way but a lot of benefits in the long term the longer a root then it will become stronger stuck into the ground and difficult to waver under any circumstances. While price is an agreement, that is sincerity and seller willingness to buyers / customers to obtain the product / service requested. With the method of tree roots and flexible prices, a small industry of herbal medicine home [for example] could turn into a herbal medicine factory with large scale or a small depot on the edge of the road could have branches everywhere. Once again in running a business should be courageous, sincere and true. Certainly any effort initially was not serious, although ultimately could become a promising business [and useful] for many people.